Review of Regulatory Positions in RG 1.89, Revision 2, including Related Public Comments and Resolutions
C.1.a. Qualification Objective
C.1.b. End Condition
C.1.c. Equipment Important to Safety
C.1.d. Qualified Life
C.1.e. EMC and EMI/RFI
C.1.f. Reassessing Qualified Life
C.1.g. Condition Monitoring and Condition-based Qualification
C.1.h. Temperature and Pressure Conditions Inside Containment
C.1.i. Radiation Environment
C.1.j. Aging
C.1.k. Type Testing
C.1.l. Margins
C.1.m. Regression Lines as basis for Aging
C.1.n. Documentation
C.2.a. Replacement Equipment
C.2.b. Semiconductor Devices
C.2.c. Radiation Dose Simulation
Deep Dive on other Public Comments and Resolutions, especially those related to Backfit and Forward Fit Concerns
1. Definition of Qualified Life
2. Service Life definition and relation to qualified life
3. EMC requirements in design and purchase specs
4. Removal of shielding credit for beta
5. Evaluation of shelf life impact on qualified life
6. Condition Monitoring (not sure we really need to discuss this one. See Comment 76)
7. Activation Energy Justification
8. Requalification not required for grandfathered equipment.
9. Alternate Source Term
Positions in DOR Guideline Generally Applicable to EQ Practices
Positions in NUREG-0588 Generally Applicable to EQ Practices
Comparison of IEEE 323 Versions (1974, 1983, 2003 and 2016) related to RG 1.89, R2 Regulatory Positions
Potential Industry Positions to allow acceptance of qualification reports citing the Joint Logo Standard
Protecting the Current Licensing Basis.