
Learn from leading supply chain experts, make new connections, and discover the key to successful growth in the industry. This one-of-a-kind event is an outstanding regional networking opportunity with one-stop access to the region's top supply chain professionals.



Time Description Sponsor Win $ Room
7:30 AM Doors Open | Registration + Networking      

8:00 AM

Breakfast + Visit Exhibitors   $100 Raffle Main Room
9:00 AM

Minimize Device Downtime and Maximize Your ROI with SOTI in the Supply Chain Industry


Speaker/s: Pratik Mehta, Account Manager & Hasan Khan, Sales Engineer

SOTI XSight integrates with SOTI MobiControl and provides a supercharged solution with operational intelligence, support, and management tools for your mobile device management needs. IT administrators can improve performance and reduce the operating costs of their business-critical mobile operations using SOTI XSight. Join us for an insightful session to learn and engage with the SOTI team on the SOTI product suite and its benefits for streamlining your business. 

Conti Systems/SOTI $ Win 25 Chancellor
9:00 AM

Flexible Labor Model Drives Operational Excellence


Speaker/s: Chris Rasco, General Manager


We will use case studies to show the operational turnaround, cost improvement, and scaled growth of business users across Texas in the last 12 months. This is a session every operational leader should attend. Our mission is to revitalize the American manufacturing sector by allowing businesses to "variablize" labor costs in small increments. This enables them to increase costs only as their output increases, which empowers businesses to scale while maintaining a lower, more constant cost structure. 



Veryable $ Win 25 Champanel I
9:00 AM

ROI for Automation and Material Handling Projects


In this panel discussion, we will cover a variety of topics on how to evaluate return-on-investment for automation projects, including what's changed, what's most critical, and how to build a case for automation. 


Speaker/s: Amanda Miller (Cisco-Eagle), Nils Hart (Murata), and Mitch Smith (Hytrol). The panel will be moderated by James Murphy, Vice President. 

Cisco-Eagle $ Win 25 Champanel II
9:00 AM     $ Win 25 Chenin Blanc I
10:00 AM Visit Exhibitors     Main Room

11:00 AM

Making Autonomy Work in Your Warehouse - How to Guide & Lessons Learned


You will gain a front-row seat on how to implement, operate, and benefit from autonomous material handling equipment. Learn about challenges and constraints of autonomy, hear about valuable lessons learned, and receive a number of best practices to take home. For example, did you know that it takes an intricate, sophisticated balance between lidar and camera inputs to operate any self-driving machines. On a higher level, how do you make the decision for or against robotic automation? What do you need to consider when you set tangible business goals for autonomous equipment? How do you get all of your employees on board? The presentation addresses these and many other facets of autonomy. Depending on where you stand on automation, come and learn about where the industry stands and is headed in the future. 


Speaker: Manuj Naman, Founder & CEO, Anantak Robotics, Inc. 

Anantak Robotics $ Win 50 Chancellor
11:00 AM

High-Speed Shoe Sorter Rebuilds and Maintenance

Speaker/s: Zack Pate, Account Executive & Chris Bullard, Director of Customer Service


We will devote this time to discuss the following: increasing operational efficiency through scheduled maintenance and rebuilds; reducing risk through properly maintained equipment; equipment longevity through regular maintenance; and preventative maintenance and early issue detection to prevent major breakdowns, saving money on emergency repairs.


S&H Systems $ Win 50 Champanel I
11:00 AM

One Size Fits All? Different Order Picking Technology for Different Groups of SKU's

Pcdata's representative for order-picking technologies, Sem Cox, will tell you about the different order-picking technologies and how to apply them to different groups of SKU's. Particularly regarding fast, medium, and slow-moving products. Order picking technologies such as RF-Picking, Pick to Light, Goods to Person systems, or even the old-fashioned paper and pencil.


Speaker: Sem Cox, Sales & Account Director 

PC Data $ Win 50 Champanel II
11:00 AM

Handsfree Solutions for Logistics

Providing handsfree solutions for logistics, using ProGlove's Mark Display and Velocity to control your workflow in your DC's. 


Speaker/s: Bill Lewis and Ryan Muckensturm

ProGlove $ Win 50 Chenin Blanc I

12:00 PM 


Hot Lunch + Visit Exhibitors     Main Room

1:00 PM 


Human Centered Automation


Speaker/s: Tanner Green, Chief Product Officer


Human-centered automation is a transformative approach that places the human operator at the core of the technology. It integrates advanced technologies like augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI), and wearable devices to enhance the capabilities and experience of human workers rather than replace them. 


Ox $ Win 100 Chancellor
1:00 PM

Addressing the Challenges of Distracted Warehousing


Distracted Warehousing represents a significant operational challenge that can impact productivity, safety, and overall business performance in warehouse operations. This session will shed light on the various sources of distractions in warehouse environments, from physical and operational nuances to human factors and inventory management challenges. These distractions can slow down workflows, lead to errors, compromise worker safety, and impede a business's ability to meet customer expectations. More than just identifying problems, this session aims to equip warehouse operators with actionable strategies to minimize distractions, enhance efficiency, and drive business performance. In addition, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to leverage technology to implement standardized and efficient processes, as well as deploy effective inventory management to address critical aspects of Distracted Warehousing.


Speaker: Robby Moss, Vice President, Business Development

Moviynt $ Win 100 Champanel I
1:00 PM

Drones + AI: Revolutionizing Warehouse Inventory

Today, drones are revolutionizing the way warehouses monitor their inventory, decreasing the cost of inventory accuracy, improving productivity, and increasing revenue. See case studies and learn how you can quickly bring inventory visibility to your warehouse.


Speaker: Judy Gordon, VP, Marketing

Gather Ai $ Win 100 Champanel II

2:00 PM

Snacks + Visit Exhibitors     Main Room

2:30 PM

End of Day Raffle     Main Room


End of Day Raffle Prizes sponsored by our Exhibitors

End-of-Day Raffle Eligibility: Attendees must visit each exhibitor to receive a stamp on the card and complete the overall evaluation on the reverse side. Forms must be turned in to the registration desk no later than 2:30 PM to be eligible for the raffle.