Exhibit Set Up

Standard equipment provided to the exhibitor:

  • 10' x 8' area for booth or tabletop display. 
  • 6' draped table
  • 1 chair
  • Identification sign
  • One (1) standard electrical connection (up to 500 watts).  
  • If additional items are needed, it will be the responsibility of the exhibitor to secure them and arrange payment directly to the Sheraton. 

Vendor Sponsorship Opportunities:

  • Sponsorships are an excellent way to increase brand awareness long after the conference has concluded. Many perks come with a sponsorship – several levels include a booth, attendees and additional advertising, pre-conference, during the conference and post conference
  •  As a conference sponsor, you will receive early booth selection and the conference attendee list that will be sent approximately two weeks prior to the start of the conference.


Exhibit Schedule, Installation and Dismantling:

  •  Exhibits set up time TBD.   All exhibits are to be set up no later than 8:00 am on Monday, May 19,
  • The Exhibits will remain open throughout the conference starting Monday May 19, at 8:00 am  and close on Tuesday at 6:30 pm.  There will be no vendor exhibit on Wednesday morning during the conference. 
  • All breaks will be held in the exhibitor location. Vendor night will be on Tuesday, May 20 from 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm and will include food, beverages and raffle prizes.
  • Help needed to move, erect, or dismantle exhibits is the responsibility of the exhibitor, as are any shipping and/or handling arrangements. 
  • All exhibits and accompanying supplies must be dismantled and removed from the ballroom on Wednesday, May 21 by noon.


  • Vendor RAPID member - Includes booth and 2 reps - $0
  • Vendor RAPID member additional rep over 2 - $985
  • Vendor RAPID non-member - includes booth and 2 reps - $5,100
  • Vendor RAPID non-member additional rep over 2 - $1,850
  • Extra booth rapid member/non-member (includes booth & 2 reps) - $3,125
  • Guest - includes evening activities only - $225

For additional information and to secure a sponsorship please contact Cathy Przyjemski

610.207.0879  |  v_cprzyjemski@curtisswright.com



RAPID Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

May 18-21, 2025   

download sponsorship pdf

      NOTE:  Sponsored give-a-ways are for utility attendees only


Vendor Sponsor

Platinum Opportunities $10,000

Monday Night Beach Dinner


Beach Dinner Entertainment

Park Nuclear

Gold Opportunities $7,500*

Welcome Reception—Sunday 


Refillable Tumblers w/vendor logo


Silver Opportunities $5,000-$6,000*

Exhibit Bar/Hospitality Hour - 6k

Airways Freight

Bar at Beach Dinner - 6k


Bottled Water-full wrap label with your company branding (1,000 bottles) - 6k

2 bottles will be placed in each utility hotel room, and at each session seat on first day.  Remaining bottles will be put out during meals and breaks

Coffee Station - Monday & Tuesday.  All day beverage station will be placed in front or next to your booth - 5k  

Breakfast Monday - 5k


Breakfast Tuesday - 5k


Lunch on Monday - 5k


Lunch on Tuesday - 5k


Beach Towels with your Company Branding - 6k


Bronze Opportunities - $3800*

Welcome Reception Entertainment 


Guest Outing


Ice Cream Social Monday PM Break 

Hotel Key Card with your company logo 

Floor Decals - (10) 24" decals with your logo will be placed from the RAPID registration desk to the meeting room   

Wi-Fi – Vendor Name will be used as the Wi-Fi code


Lanyards with your company logo 


Tote Bags with your company logo 


Beach Coolers with your company logo 


Chocolate Candy/Cookie with Company Logo – 2 cookies will be placed in each

utility attendee hotel room with a note indicating they are compliments of vendor sponsor 


Carving Station at Technical Exhibit (Will place by your booth)


Contributor Opportunities - $3,000*

Nacho Bar during Vendor Exhibit - (Nacho bar will be placed in or near vendor exhibit)  

Coffee & Snack Break Monday AM


Coffee & Snack Break Tuesday AM


Coffee & Snack Break Tuesday PM


Beach Frisbees with your company logo

Lined 8.5 x 11 letter pads - with your company logo


Beach tent - Activity dependent


*NOTE:  Sponsored give-a-ways are for utility attendees only


Sponsorship Advantages

Platinum Level Sponsor—Receive Recognition & Universal Branding shown below, PLUS, a second booth with two additional reps at no cost and signage with your company name and logo to be placed in the meeting area for the duration of the conference.  


Gold Level Sponsor—Receive Recognition & Universal Branding shown below, PLUS, a second booth and two additional reps at no cost.  


Silver Level Sponsor—Receive Recognition & Universal Branding shown below, PLUS, one additional rep at no cost.  


Bronze & Contributor Level Sponsor – Receive Recognition & Universal Branding shown below.


Recognition & Universal Branding for Conference Sponsors

(Applies to all sponsors)

Marketing and Promotional

Your sponsorship will be posted on the RAPID conference registration website displaying your company  logo, a description of your company and a link to your website


Attendee List Access

Sponsors will receive a pre-conference list of participants, approximately two weeks prior to the conference via email in a spreadsheet format listing the participants name, title and company


Exhibit Space

Sponsors receive first choice for booth space


Conference Recognition & Signage


  • Your sponsorship will be announced during the conference; you & your company will be recognized
  • RAPID will provide a sign with your company logo and sponsorship to be displayed during your sponsored event

To reserve your sponsorship, call or email Cathy Przyjemski, 610.207.0879 or v_cprzyjemski@curtisswright.com




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