We act as an extension of your team - a partner you can count on. We are unequaled in the handling of emergency and time-sensitive shipments for utility companies, as well as normal transit air and truck transport, both domestically and internationally. We have access to charter aircraft and expedited ground equipment 24/7, ready to take off at a moment's notice. And you can reach a reassuring and familiar professional 365-24/7, with immediate access to our industry leading dispatching and tracking systems.
CBS Nuclear Services Inc., a division of Group CBS, specializes in the sales and service of low and medium voltage power distribution equipment for the fossil and nuclear industry. We are 10 CFR 50 appendix B qualified in the service of 1E circuit breakers with approved internal procedures for every style 1E circuit breaker in service today. Being a group CBS affiliate, CBS Nuclear services is unique in that we have access to millions of replacement parts and can provide anything from a circuit breaker charging spring to a complete unit substation, either new, surplus, or remanufactured.
Electric Motor & Contracting has been proudly serving clients with quality motor and pump repair since 1960. We heavy industries including pulp and paper, steel and chemical, the U.S. Government, power generation, ship repair, and waste water treatment. With our main campus over 250,000 square feet, it is one of the largest independently owned repair facilities for rotating machinery in the U.S. Our highly skilled technicians perform a variety of repair and maintenance services at our facility or yours to keep your equipment operating reliably.
Framatome has a strong presence in the U.S. nuclear energy market, helping power 36 million American homes. As a reliable partner with a long history of proven performance, we focus on servicing and fueling the U.S. operating nuclear fleet as well as supporting new nuclear builds, and advancing the future of nuclear energy here and abroad. Framatome and its predecessor organizations have been serving the nuclear energy industry in the United States since the 1950s. Over time, we have serviced every nuclear energy facility in the United States.
Mirion (IST) designs and manufactures in-core and ex-core detectors, electrical penetrations, thermocouples, temperature sensors, cable/connector assemblies, and electrical conductor seal assemblies. Mirion also manufactures visual imaging systems for use in both high and low radiation environments, as well as high temperatures and under water, health physics radiation detection and protection instruments, radiation monitoring systems, and dosimetry radiation monitoring services.
Paragon is a leading global provider of customized supply chain management solutions including the Nuclear Inventory Management System (NIMS). Our Instrumentation and Control Repair and Reverse Engineering services are well known throughout the nuclear industry for providing solutions to obsolescence and equipment reliability. Additionally, Paragon’s Commercial Grade Dedication and Qualification services use state-of-the-art equipment meeting ASE NQA-1 and other regulatory requirements. We deliver best-in-class services with a global footprint in North America, Europe and Asia.
The Park Company is a leading buyer and supplier of surplus/obsolete commercial & safety related power plan equipment including I&C, valves, actuators, switchgear, pumps, motors, fans, and steam turbines. We have tens of thousands of items on the shelf & ready to ship at our 100,000 sq. ft. Pasco, WA facility.
From the strong tradition of NTS Huntsville, Element Nuclear offers the industry’s most comprehensive and cost-effective service portfolio, including equipment qualification, commercial grade dedication, obsolescence solutions, engineering analysis, component supply and field services. We are the leading supplier of pre-qualified components for plant applications from supply partners including Yokogawa Corporation, Gems Sensors & Controls and Siemens. We’re proud to be part of the unrivaled Element family with more than 8,500 experts across 260 locations in 30 nations worldwide.
Sulzer is a nearly 200-year-old OEM manufacturer of engineered centrifugal pumps. Sulzer has a network of manufacturing facilities and service centers in North America, all available to serve the power generation industry. The Sulzer Nuclear Service Center in Chattanooga, TN has an audited quality program which meets 10CFR50 Appendeix B and Part 21 requirements. This facility holds N-stamp and NPT-stamp Certificates of Authorization for ASME Section III Classses, 1,2, and 3.