She is an associate professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences of the Universidad de Los Andes in Chile. She holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from the Technologic Institute of Morelia in Mexico, a master’s degree in industrial engineering from Arizona State University in USA; a master’s degree in quality systems and productivity and a PhD in engineering sciences from Monterrey Tech in Mexico. Her research areas are logistics and transport of cargo, maritime shipping and port operations, port governance, competitiveness and performance/efficiency, port gender equity and inter-organizational information systems in ports. She also works in production planning, vehicle routing problems, and agricultural supply chains (harvesting and distribution) with special focus on small producers. She is currently the Secretary of the Mexican Society of Operations Research. She has been working in several applied research projects with ports in Chile with funding from the Regional Government of Valparaíso, the Regional Government of Arica and Tarapacá, and funding from national agencies in Chile such as Corfo. She collaborated in a regional network of ports in Latin America and the Caribbean (lead by the Economic System of Latin America and the Caribbean SELA and the Development Bank CAF) between 2014-2019. She is currently executing a research grant (2021-2024) from the National Agency of Research and Development in Chile (ANID), in which she is proposing a Decision Support System for container handling operations in a port terminal. Under the scope of this grant, she has signed an MOU with partners such as DP World, Sitrans, the Port Terminal of Arica, the Port Authority of San Antonio and the Port Logistics Community of San Antonio (COLSA) in Chile. During the year of 2021, she developed two studies based on surveys with the participation of several ports in Chile such as the port of Valparaiso, San Antonio, Antofagasta, Arica, Mejillones, Coquimbo and Austral, related to port competitiveness and gender equity. In the gender equity study, she worked with the University of Valparaiso in Chile and Unitecnar in Colombia and the study had the collaboration of institutions such as the National Service of Women and Gender Equity in Chile (SernaMEG), the Economic Commission of Latin America and the Caribbean from United Nations (ECLAC-UN) and the Interamerican Commision of Ports (CIP-OEA), and the associations WISTA (Women in Shipping in Transport Association) and WINLOG (Women in Logistics from APLOG). She teaches the courses of Operations Management and Logistics for undergraduate students.
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