Moving You Forward

The Material Handling Teachers Institute conference helps good educators become great educators


The Call for Participation to attend this event is now closed.
Only pre-approved attendees are eligible to register for this conference.


Let your expertise shine in your classroom. Our education sessions are aimed at helping you develop your skills to become a more effective, confident educator.


Make new connections and interact with colleagues. Share course designs, teaching methods, case studies, textbooks, software, and more.

Plant Tours
& Field Experience

Take advantage of industry experts who are willing to share their knowledge and answer your questions. You'll be able to see how others do what they do and learn from their experience.

Operate Your Own Virtual Drone

Do you ever wonder what you’d be capable of doing if you had a drone? Fly your virtual drone and see the world from a whole new perspective.


Buffalo, New York, is a city with a vibrant history where visitors can enjoy world-class dining and entertainment or simply relax in the rich ambiance of this charming city.

the Venue

The University at Buffalo consistently ranks as one of the world's most exceptional, most affordable universities. Its state-of-the-art meeting spaces will inspire you.

CICMHE MHTI Conference Committee

The generous funding provided by MHTI will help pay for the on-site expenses for attendees, including hotel, meals during the program, on-site transportation, sponsored tours and social events.

Alice Smith

MHTI Coordinator
Auburn University

Vic Paquet

University at Buffalo, SUNY

David Porter

Immediate Past Chair
Oregon State University

John Paxton