This interactive educational program is led by a panel of leading experts who will discuss the latest clinical data in breast cancer from recent congress updates. A range of discussion topics will be featured, including a deeper dive into newer agents targeting hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, in addition to a comprehensive look at the value of treating “HER2 low” disease. Collaborative clinical case reviews, interactive panel discussions, and a chance for the audience to engage one-to-one with speakers, round off this unique learning opportunity, designed to enhance learners’ practice knowledge and confidence.
Enhance Your Virtual Experience With Backstage Pass!
Join our 30-minute post-symposium breakout session connecting the program speakers and audience in the virtual environment. Backstage Pass provides an intimate virtual session where you can interact with faculty, address case-based questions, and facilitate relationship building.
*Video Encouraged*
The goal of this activity is to enhance learners' ability to identify and understand practical implications of recent data in breast cancer.
Upon completion of this activity, participants will: Have increased knowledge regarding the [LIST] [ITEM]Latest clinical trial data investigating emerging therapies in hormone receptor (HR)-positive breast cancer [ITEM]Latest clinical trial data investigating emerging therapies in breast cancer with low human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) expression (HER2 low breast cancer) [/LIST] Have greater competence related to [LIST] [ITEM]Identify patients who may be candidates for clinical trials with emerging systemic therapies [/LIST] Demonstrate greater confidence in their ability to [LIST] [ITEM]Understand the latest clinical trial data on emerging systemic therapies in breast cancer [/LIST]
The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom (FPM) has reviewed and approved the content of this educational activity and allocated it 1.50 continuing professional development credits (CPD). [WEBMDGLOBAL]