UVM's Dudley H. Davis Center | Burlington, VT | December 18 - 19, 2019 






NSCWS 2019  

Symposium Proceedings

This Northeast Specialty Crop Water Symposium, which will be co-hosted by the University of Vermont and the USDA Northeast Climate Hub, will be targeted towards researchers, agricultural advisors (e.g. Extension, agency, and private), and industry representatives who work in northeastern specialty crops. We are grateful for the support of USDA NIFA in holding this event.

The symposium has three overarching goals:

  • Increase our shared understanding and knowledge about how climate change will affect irrigated/rain fed specialty crops in the Northeast, and how water use efficiency practices can be improved 
  • Create opportunities for researchers, Extension, and technical service providers working in different specialty crop sectors to learn from one another 
  • Create opportunities for participants in the Northeast to learn from practitioners from other parts of the U.S.
This symposium is supported by the United States Department of Agriculture NIFA, Award #2019-67019-29465
Panel Sessions 
Each session will be 1.5 hrs long. Session organizers propose the overarching theme of the session, co-presenters and their topics: 
Each presentation will be 15 minutes long, and will be assigned a session by conference organizers: 
Graduate Student Poster Session  
Student posters will be available to view during the symposium and virtually on this site following the event.

Venue Information

Dudley H. Davis Center

An epicenter of activity, a common meeting place that celebrates the diversity of the UVM community, and a national centerpiece of green design. Welcome to the Dudley H. Davis Center.
Parking permits are availble for purchase during registration.

Join us in Burlington!

UVM's Dudley H. Davis Center | Burlington, VT | December 18 - 19, 2019