We hope you enjoyed the sessions during the event and have saved them here for your on-demand viewing.

Thanks again for joining the journey and we look forward to our continued partnership.






Fuel Flexibility: Increasing the Sustainability of Internal Combustion Engines
Presented By:  Michael Wagner
Click for Presentation PDF

Emission Reduction: Meeting Requirements for Today and Tomorrow 
Presented By:  Dr. Behzad Nazari
Click for Presentation PDF



Future-Proof Energy Solutions for Data Centers
Presented By:  Dario Schilling
Click for Presentation PDF

Next Generation Backup Power: Series 1600
Presented By:  Jonas Knoll
Click for Presentation PDF



The Power of Kinetic Energy
Presented By:  Christoph Webinger & Bernard Hanssens  
Click for Presentation PDF

Lifecycle Support For A Lifetime of Value 
Presented By:  Daniel Speier & Christian Werner
Click for Presentation PDF



Intelligent Controls: The Heart of Any Distributed Energy System
Presented By:  Jan Henker & Dr. Dominic Buchstaller
Click for Presentation PDF

When A Standard Solution Doesn't Fit: Complex Solutions For Complex Requirements
Presented By:  Alexander Patt
Click for Presentation PDF



Hydrogen: The Fuel of the Future
Presented By:  Armin Fürderer
Click for Presentation PDF

Our Sustainability Journey: Expanding S4000L64 from Natural Gas to Biogas & H2
Presented By:  Norbert Maier & Dr. Christoph Heinz
Click for Presentation PDF