Registration Fees 



In person at Westmead (includes catering & networking):

Senior researcher/Clinical (medical)   -   $165.00

Management level non-research staff  -  $165.00

Early career researcher (up to 10 years post-PhD)/Other research staff  -  $80.00

Non-management/Non-research staff/Other health professionals     -  $80.00 

Student  -  free of charge  ** limited to 20 


In Person Registration Packages:
5 x Early career researchers/Non management registrations  - $300.00

5 x Senior/Management registrations - $620.00 


In person registrations can be shared with others and if registrants are only able to attend one day, they are  strongly encouraged to share their pass with a colleague.




Entirely online via the interactive conference platform:

Senior researcher   -  $75.00

Management level non-research staff  -  $75.00 

General public  -  $75.00

Early career researcher (up to 10 years post-PhD)/Other  research staff  -  $40.00 

Non-management/Non-research staff/Other health professionals   -  $40.00 

Student  -  free of charge


Virtual Registration Packages:-

10 x virtual registrations (accessible by any role) - $400.00

20 x virtual registrations (accessible by any role) - $600.00