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Come watch the final four WEpitch finalists and vote on the mobile app to determine the Grand Prize Winner!on September 28, 2022.
My red hot passion is being an advocate for women and helping them find their bold voices.
But don’t let me fool you, it wasn’t always this way. Before starting a successful radio station I was your average corporate “yes” girl. I said what people wanted to hear. I was bullied in corporate America and then wrongfully terminated for not speaking up. It was a pretty sad saga, but definitely not one that’s unique to me.
Back in those days, I would wake up in the morning and immediately plan my day around how I could get back to bed as fast as possible. I didn’t have anything left to give my job or myself. I was just existing. I was ungrateful, lackluster, and I had lost one thing that was truly mine, my voice.
I had been suppressing my voice and listening to my inner critic—who I lovingly refer to as my “hag in the attic.” I told people what they wanted to hear. I didn’t have a bold voice. I begrudgingly said the words that would keep everyone around me—and the critic inside me—happy.
Sherry Cummins is the MWM and WBE Services Coordinator at Great Lakes WBC. Sherry uses her expertise in relationships, human resources and event management to educate women business owners, help them to present themselves in the best possible light and help them to connect to grow relationships and their businesses through the Michigan Women’s Marketplace.
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