Exhibitor Information


Vendor Booth Fee:  $2,000 (Includes 1 Attendee)

Note:  Many Sponsorships include a booth with one or more attendees and many other branding recognition opportunities.  Please click on Sponsorship Opportunities for more information.


Exhibit Set Up

Standard equipment provided to the exhibitor:

  • 10' x 8' area for booth or tabletop display. 
  • 6' draped table
  • 1 chair
  • Identification sign
  • One (1) standard electrical connection (up to 500 watts).  
  • If additional items are needed, it will be the responsibility of the exhibitor to secure them and arrange payment directly to the Sheraton.  


Vendor Sponsorship Opportunities:

  • Sponsorships are an excellent way to increase brand awareness long after the conference has concluded. Many perks come with a sponsorship – several levels include a booth, attendees and additional advertising, pre-conference, during the conference and post conference
  •  As a conference sponsor, you will receive early booth selection and the conference attendee list that will be sent approximately two weeks prior to the start of the conference.


Video Commercial/Static Ad (Free with certain sponsorship levels.  Also a sponsorship opportunity)

Prior to the start of a selected presentation, your 30 second video or static ad will be displayed.  If a static ad is supplied, we will read your narrative while the ad is displayed. Video or narrative must be no longer than 30 seconds. When the agenda is finalized, I will reach out to determine your session selection.


Exhibit Schedule, Installation and Dismantling:

  •  Exhibits may be setup in the assigned area of the Gulf/Palm/Bay ballrooms between 1:00pm and 5:00pm on Tuesday, November 8th
  • The Exhibit will be in the Palm/Bay Ballrooms and will remain open throughout the conference starting Wednesday, November 9th at 7:00am and closing on Friday, November 11th directly after breakfast.  All breaks and most meals will be held in the exhibitor location.
  • Help needed to move, erect, or dismantle exhibits is the responsibility of the exhibitor, as are any shipping and/or handling arrangements. 
  • All exhibits and accompanying supplies must be dismantled and removed from the ballroom on Friday, November 11th directly after breakfast.


Location of Exhibit booth space

Sponsorship booths are reserved based on the level of the sponsorship.  Additional booths are available for non-sponsoring suppliers on a "first-come, first-served" basis.  




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