We have many Sponsorship Options that will reach both our in-person and virtual attendees

Take full advantage of this excellent opportunity to further promote your brand awareness, and stand out from your competitors. Meet and network with managers and engineers from around the world during the EQTM Conference, whether they are attending in-person or virtually.


Sponsorship Advantages


Gold Level Sponsor
Receive Recognition & Universal Branding (shown below)
3 Conference registrations at no charge 
Premium booth
Pull up banner
Full-page colored advert in the EQ Newsletter for 3 months
BONUS free sponsored video commercial that will run prior to the start of a selected presentation (vendor supplied)


Silver Level Sponsor
Receive Recognition & Universal Branding (shown below)
2 Conference registrations at no charge
Premium booth
Half page colored advert in the EQ Newsletter for 3 months 
BONUS free sponsored video commercial that will run prior to the start of a selected presentation (vendor supplied)
Bronze Level Sponsor 
Receive Recognition & Universal Branding (shown below)
1 Conference registration at no charge
Half page colored advert in the EQ Newsletter for 3 months
BONUS free sponsored static advert that will run prior to the start of a selected presentation (vendor supplied)


Contributor Level Sponsor 
Receive Recognition & Universal Branding (shown below)
1 additional Conference registration at no charge
Hybrid Special Sponsor
Receive Recognition & Universal Branding (shown below)

Recognition & Universal Branding for Conference Sponsors

(Applies to all sponsors)

Marketing & Promotional

  • Recognition on Conference Website, which will include your company's logo, description and a link to your website
  • Sponsorships are recognized and announced during the Conference

Attendee List Access

  • Sponsors will receive a pre-Conference list of participants, approximately 2 weeks prior to the Conference via email in a spreadsheet format listing the participants name, title, company, and email

    Conference Recognition  & Signage

    • Your sponsorship will be announced during the Conference; you & your company will be recognized

    Exhibit Space

    • Sponsor receive first choice for booth space


    For a downloadable PDF version of Sponsorship Opportunities click here

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