The Athletic Training Society of New Jersey

invites you back to our in-person Conference and Business Meeting

Online Registration Instructions

All pre-registration must be done online. Pre-registration ends on 2/19/2022 at midnight.  Late registration will continue online until 2/26/2022, ending at midnight.  Late registration for the conference will reopen in person on Sunday, February 27th and Monday, February 28th at the conference.
If you are paying by credit card: Please select credit card on the registration form.
If you are paying by Check: Please choose the Check on the registration form. 
*Checks must be post-marked by 2/12/2022 and received by 2/19/2022 to receive pre-registration rates and CEUs.
If you need a paper registration form for your employer, please use this downloadable form. You will ALSO need to use the online registration form below to update our database.
Refunds must be requested prior to February 14, 2022.  Minus a $10.00 processing fee.


36th Annual Athletic Training Conference


$140 pre-registration/ $200 late registration
Certified Non- NATA /ATSNJ Member
$185 pre-registration/ $215 late registration

Athletic Training Student Program

Sunday, February 27th, 2022
Professionals who are part-time students are excluded from the student fee.
NATA/ATSNJ Student Member     (full time only with ID)
$55 pre-registration/ $85 late registration
Non-NATA/ATSNJ Student              (full time only with ID)
$85 pre-registration/ $100 late registration