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Work Designs 

Designing ways to Improve Functional Skills Anxiety

Took place on Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Please see below for recording and resources. 


Unconscious and conscious messages in the workplace set and create norms and expectations. Ways in which we design our place of work to support mental health will be discussed in this theme.


Mental Health has become one of the key aspects that need to be taken into account for many people. The restrictions of 2020 and 2021 have caused many people to become challenged by things that were not an issue previously. Mental trauma and anxiety manifests in different ways for different people and because this is a very personal and sensitive matter putting things in place to ‘check’ how someone is and ‘implement’ appropriate support for them needs careful planning and consideration. In addition to the additional new challenges providers need to prepare for the likelihood of enhanced negativity around maths and English and the increased attention this is likely to require when planning programmes and providing support.

This interactive webinar will consider how anxiety affects people, how others can be made more aware of the challenges poor mental health brings for others and looks at approaches that can be implemented to ensure that the support required can be provided in a sensitive and positive manner, while also ensuring that maths and English development is used positively to enhance the overall learning experience.

Delegates will also be provided with a template that they can use to assess their provision and develop an implementation plan that will support their Quality Improvement Plans (QIP).


Christine Edwards QTLS, Creating Excellence

Christine has been involved with Functional Skills since the pilot stages in 2007 and supported the transition from Key Skills to Functional Skills within a range of Apprenticeship and 14+ provision. In 2008 she became an Associate Trainer with the Functional Skills Support Programme delivering a full range of transitional CPPD to providers across all sectors.

Within an Independent Training Provider, Christine was instrumental in championing the early adoption of Functional Skills across all provision offered resulting in a successful and full transition from Key Skills by September 2012. Following integration with a National Provider, Christine supported the staff training and increased quality assurance required to ensure that high quality provision was retained and above average first time pass rates maintained.

Christine has been actively involved with the various phases of development and consultation completed to achieve the new Functional Skills specifications and believes strongly that early adoption of the new specifications and planning for implementation will support a smooth transition to the new requirements, minimising the negative impact on learner pass and achievement rates.


This working webinar will cover:

  • What is anxiety and how does that impact individuals from a learning and development perspective
  • Approaches to design a positive learning workplace
  • Why maths and English is important

Complimentary to attend

Supported by Creating Excellence