31st EEGLAB workshop

A Virtual Event

November 29 - December 3, 2021

6:30 PM - 11:45 PM PT


From November 29 to December 3, the 31st EEGLAB workshop will be held online in a virtual brain conference site on GatherTown. The first day will be free for all and will feature lectures and social events. The workshop will feature lectures on how to process data using EEGLAB, including scripting and the use of multiple plug-ins. Parallel sessions will discuss specific topics, particularly wearable EEG, deep learning and EEG, connectivity analysis, and EEG.

Register for the free first day session, Monday November 29th here.

Register for the workshop sessions, Tuesday-Friday November 30th-December 3rd hereNote: You must register twice (once for November 29th and once for November 30th-December 3rd) if you want to attend the whole event.

We are looking forward to meeting you online…