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Cost Efficient Catalytic Inks for Fuel Cell Membranes
Technology Overview
Some challenges faced during the fabrication of the proton exchange membrane in fuel cells include high costs incurred from multi-step metal ink production, potential overloading of metal and restricted substrate choices.
The technology comprises of proprietary platinum-based catalyst ink formulations that allows for a simplified process to fabricate proton exchange membrane fuel cells. During membrane production, metal particles can be grown directly on the substrate and cured with low temperature cold plasma (<70°C). This technology can minimize the platinum loading over a wide range of substrates, thereby reducing the cost of producing fuel cell membranes.
Technology Features, Specifications and Advantages
Some features of the technology include:
- Thickness range: 30 - 2000nm
- Curing parameters:
- Low temperature (<70°C)
- Fast cure (3-15 minutes)
- No vacuum required except for slight pressure
- Suitable for a wide range of substrates including plastics, paper, fabrics, ceramics, and other metals
- Deposited through methods such as inkjet printing, dip dying and spraying
- Non-toxic
- No chemical waste, environmentally friendly
- Films formed are solid, highly flexible and durable
Potential Applications
- Fuel cells
- Rechargeable batteries
- Solar cells
- Coatings for medical components
Customer Benefit
- Control over surface properties of solid metal layer
- Low energy process, environmentally friendly
- Curing of metal layers possible through off-the-shelf plasma machines
- Able to form over wide range of substrates