BRIN (Sustainable Food and Nutrition)

National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Pavilion will showcase technology offers and startups in foodtech, agritech, environment tech, and medical tech. The technologies have been successfully commercialized by the industries through cooperation schemes. We welcome technology seekers to approach BRIN to access our wide portfolio of technology offers.

Our Technology Offers

Low Glycemic Index Dark Chocolate with Probiotics

Dark chocolate containing probiotic and dietary fiber is formulated with palm sugar and cacao mass. This antioxidant rich product is especially concocted for diabetes mellitus patients.

Making Protein Hydrolysate using Papain Enzymes and Fish Wastes

Protein hydrolysate, a high value ingredient, is in use in both the microbial growth media industry and food industry. Protein hydrolysate can be made into peptone for microbial growth while protein hydrolysate is suitable for toddlers and seniors consumption as it is an easily digestible protein. Fish wastes, resulting from rejected fish or not ideal for consumption, are good source of protein hydrolysate but are usually wasted.

This patented invention aims to provide a ready-to-use peptone product derived from fish waste. The process of making protein hydrolyzate is an enzymatic process made with fish waste.

This technology is available for licensing. Industries that make microbial growth media and the food industry could benefit from this technology.

Prebiotics Snack Bar from Banana and its Peels

Bananas and its peels are rich in resistance starch, inulin, oligosaccharide, antioxidants, fibre, minerals and vitamins. The institute has developed a fermentation technology, where whole bananas including its peel is converted into banana flour. This prebiotic rich banana flour has been successfully incorporated into snack bars to improve both adults’ and children’s gut health.

Target users and partnership: seeking to work with food industry and agriculture-based industries who intend to produce healthy products through bananas and its peels.

Producing & Formulating of Physalis Angulata Linn Juice

Physalis angulata Linn is a ground cherry native to Indonesia. It is traditionally used as a medicinal plant. The institute has developed processes and formulations for extracting the juice from the fruit and buds of Physalis angulata Linn. Post extraction, the juice will be processed into a ready-to-drink juice that is rich in antioxidant and flavonoid contents. This product has been evaluated by in vitro and in vivo assays for antidiabetic beverage as well as its shelf-life. This drink can be consumed by diabetics or anyone because it has a refreshing taste. The institute is looking for industry partner to license the process and formulation to manufacture and commercialise the products developed.

Micropropagation of a Breast Milk Enhancing Plant, Coleus Amboinicus

Breast milk is the best type of nutrition for infants. Therefore, breastfeeding in early months of life is highly recommended. Lactation failure resulting from inadequate start of breastfeeding and reduced breast milk production can cause several serious problems such as insufficient caloric intake for infant, hypernatremia, dehydration, and hyperbilirubinemia in the first days of life. This requires more intensive evaluation of breastfeeding to improve milk production for nutritional transfer to infants.

Coleus amboinicus (the Indonesia local name is Torbangun) has been used as a breast milk stimulant in Indonesia for hundreds of years. The leaves contain phytochemical properties such as alkaloids, sterols, triterpenoids, tannins, and flavonoids which influence to increase of milk production, milk protein concentration, and protein digestion. Flavonoids can also stimulate the release of prolactin and growth hormone, upregulate expression of prolactin hormone receptor and growth hormone receptor genes and stimulate breast development.

Sustainable sources of herbal raw materials are important for ensuring the viability of the medicinal industry. Plant tissue culture is a promising tool for cost-effective micropropagation. The technology provider has developed a protocol for laboratory-based mass production of C. amboinicus. This technology offers several advantages such as high multiplication rates, the use of aseptic system and uniformity of seedlings.

The technology provider is seeking research collaborations in the following areas:

  • Planting, either soil based or hydroponics systems in industrial scale
  • Food products including but not limited to supplementary food for breastfeeding mothers and steeping tea

Modified Cassava Flour With High Beta Carotene Content

Using bacteria fermentation, this innovative technology protects and maintains the high beta carotene content present in cassava flour. As a result, different cooking methods can be applied to the modified cassava flour (mocf) without drastic reduction of beta carotene content. The technology minimizing lost of beta carotene during heat processing and packaging, improving the quality of flour products nutritionally. The production of high beta carotene mocaf consist of several stages i.e. peeling of the cassava skin, washing, chopping into chips; soaking cassava chips in the bacteria starter solution; coating the chips in solution to protect beta carotene; by immersion in sodium metabisulfite solution; stirring; draining; drying; milling; sifting; and packaging.

Portable Roaster with LPG Ember Heating & Data Recorder
  • The technology is a small-scale coffee roaster machine (1-2 kg capacity) of is equipped with an automatic data recorder, aim to simplify routine operations according to the desired roasting profile. The roasting time is shortened to 15 minutes/batch with low electric consumption when using LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas) fuel for it is an indirect heating system with ceramics.
  • Equipped with a sensor (probe/ thermocouple) to record data and monitor the temperature during the coffee roasting process to evaluate and replicate the data for the next roasting process.
  • The machine is equipped with a monitoring screen to monitor the temperature of the hot air in the drum and coffee beans, timing, level of maturity after roasting (Agstron Colour scale).
  • This technology is usually found in large-scale machine (>7kg) but the company has made it work on café coffee roasters.
  • Looking for an industrial partner who will buy a license for this roaster innovation product.

Flavour Improver Animal Feed Additive

Animals rely heavily on their sense of smell and taste to evaluate desirable feed. Unpleasant feed can result in animals having reduced feed consumption, leading to an incomplete nutritional profile and hence poor return on investment for producers. The number of taste buds in ruminants is approximately 3 times in humans, thereby allowing better response to feed flavour enhancers.

The technology, Lemofit, a powder feed flavour additive, is capable to mask unpalatable flavour by creating aroma to stimulate animals feed consumption using fermentation. Lemofit contains inoculum (Rhizopus sp and Aspergillus niger) and demineralised and deproteinated chitin specifically formulated for ruminant feeds (cow, goat, sheep). This flavour improver animal feed additive will interest potential partners such as animal farms and feedstock manufacturers.

The preferred mode of collaborations are licensing and open for research collaboration.

Inoculum for Cacao Beans Fermentation

Cacao beans are the main raw material for chocolate manufacturing. Before being used as raw material for chocolate production, cacao beans pulp must be fermented as the first step towards developing the characteristic cocoa flavor and taste.

This institute has identified the key microbes that play significant role in the fermentation of cocoa beans, which include yeast, lactic acid and acetic acid bacteria. A technology called the superior cocoa starter formulation INOKA has been developed. INOKA has been formulated from co-cultures of yeast, lactic acid and acetic acid bacteria, therefore it is appropriate as inoculum for cacao beans fermentation.

The advantages of using INOKA include shortened fermentation time, uniform of fermented bean and rich cacao flavour.

Our target is license product to chocolate company (National or Multinational), as well as collaboration for product development.

Sorghum and Legumes based Instant Baby Porridge

A gluten-free porridge especially formulated for babies. This product is made from sorghum, red bean or mungbean, skim milk, and sucrose.

Its high nutrition content makes it suitable for meals or snacks. The process technology for making this instant baby porridge is mixing all the ingredients, heating it until it thickens, then drying and grinding it into powder. The challenge remains at increasing the production scale from laboratory to pilot plant or industrial scale.

The desired partners are industries engaged in baby food products, instant food, and agriculture-based food products industry.

Non-wheat Spaghetti with Tempeh Flour Fortification

Gluten-free products are needed by people with gluten allergy such as celiac disease, autism and other metabolic syndromes. The consumption of gluten-free products rises annually and, therefore, there is potential in the development of gluten-free products likes non-wheat spaghetti. Non-wheat spaghetti is prepared from non-wheat ingredients and fortified with tempeh flour which rich in highly absorbed vegetable protein and antioxidant.

The technology provider is looking for investors to license the technology for big scale production for global market.

Earthworm Meal-based Feed Supplement For Poultry

Poultry is the second most common consumed meat in the world and in Southeast Asia, poultry production expanded 56% in the last decade and is expected to reach 12.3 USD million metric tonnes by 2028. Poultry is an excellent source of animal proteins, and the optimum performance of livestock depends largely on the quality and quantity of their dietary needs.

Earthworm can be supplemented into feed due to its high protein and amino acid content. The technology, iMunno-Chick is a feed supplement from earthworm added with natural antibiotics that inhibit Salmonella pullorum bacteria, the causative agent of Pullorum disease. Supplementation of feed with earthworms overcome the use of synthetic antibiotics and at the same time improving the growth performance of poultry and hence healthier and improved poultry quality.

The technology will interest potential partners such as feedstock manufacturers and poultry husbandry.
