franmac convention covid policy

As of August 11, Yum! requires documented proof of full COVID-19-vaccination to enter any U.S.-based RSC, travel on behalf of Yum! as an employee and/or attend any in-person meeting, event or function sponsored by Yum! In order to allow a robust and informative convention for our members and to allow Yum!’s and Taco Bell’s participation, the FRANMAC Convention will follow CDC guidance and comply with YUM guidelines and requirements, outlined below.

We ask That All Convention Attendees:

  • Get tested if experiencing COVID-19 symptoms; don’t attend Convention events unless test is negative.
  • Quarantine if you experience COVID-19 symptoms while at Convention

CDC Guidance for Vaccinated Individuals

  • To reduce the risk of being infected with the Delta variant and possibly spreading it to others, wear a mask indoors in public if you are in an area of substantial or high transmission, such as Colorado Springs. 
  • You might choose to wear a mask regardless of the level of transmission if you have a weakened immune system or if, because of your age or an underlying medical condition, you are at increased risk for severe disease, or if a member of your household has a weakened immune system, is at increased risk for severe disease, or is unvaccinated.
  • If you’ve had close contact with someone who has COVID-19, you should get tested 3-5 days after your exposure, even if you don’t have symptoms. You should also wear a mask indoors in public for 14 days following exposure or until your test result is negative. You should isolate for 10 days if your test result is positive.


Attendees and guests of attendees will be required to show proof of full COVID-19 vaccination to attend the FRANMAC Convention. 

  • Full vaccination is defined as being two weeks past your second shot of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or two weeks after the single dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine. To complete the two-step vaccination process in time, any individual desiring be fully vaccinated by the start of the FRANMAC Convention should receive their first dose by this Friday, August 20
  • Attendees will be required to submit photographs of their COVID-19 vaccination cards or COVID-19 QR codes.  A link to securely submit this information will be sent to each convention attendee by separate email later this week, or it can be provided as part of the online registration process.
  • All submitted vaccination cards or vaccination records will be maintained as confidential medical records. 
  • Children under the age of 12 are exempt from the vaccination requirement.  

* Reasonable accommodations will be available to attendees and guests who have not been vaccinated due to a disability or because of a sincerely held religious belief. If you believe you require such accommodation, please contact Lysa Little at or 888-337-6623.  Documentation will be required.