Curtiss-Wright and NUGEQ are jointly sponsoring a Technical Meeting on nuclear power plant equipment qualification (EQ). The purpose of the meeting is to promote the interface of organizations involved in nuclear industry EQ efforts. Managers and engineers in attendance represent US and international utilities, regulators, manufacturers, national laboratories, commercial test laboratories, and consultants.


There is no registration fee for personnel from utilities that are Members of EQ PowerSuite™ or NUGEQ.

Fee for non-member participants - $1,295

Click here to see pricing page for attendee fees for other participants


Optional Training

There will be an Optional two-day training held Monday and Tuesday, November 8-9, 2021. 

Topic: EQ Task Action Plan, EQ Research and their Implications on EQ Regulations and Standards

Fee $1,495 for all attendees


Click HERE for printable Agenda pdf


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