The Environmental Qualification Task Action Plan (EQ-TAP), EQ Research and their Implications on EQ Regulations and Standards

Monday November 8, 2021 - 10:00am - 3:00pm EST

Tuesday November 9, 2021 - 10:00am - 2:30pm EST


  1. Period Prior to Rulemaking
    1. Adversarial Relationships
    2. General Distrust
      1. Qualification Testing Evaluation Program
      2. Test Lab Certification Program
      3. AIF Papers
    3. Licensee Inaction
  2. Influence of Research on Regulatory Documents and Industry Standards
    1. Principal Research Documents
    2. DOR Guidelines
    3. NUREG-0588
    4. RG 1.89
    5. 10CFR50.49
    6. IEEE 323-1971 & 1974
  3. Period Between Rule Making and the EQ Task Action Plan
    1. Principal Research and Conclusions
      1. NUREG/CR-4301
  4. EQ Task Action Plan
    1. Genesis Synopsis
    2. Action Items
    3. Issues
    4. Questions
    5. Technical Topics
    6. Dossiers and Conclusions
    7. Items Selected for Additional Research
    8. Closure
  5. GSI-168 and EQ TAP Follow-up
    1. Principal Research
      1. EDMA, Volume 5
      2. SAND 2013-2388
      3. JNES-SS-0619
      4. NUREG-0933
  6. IEEE 323 Versions Review
  7. DG-1361 Review


Note: This is a preliminary agenda


Curtiss-Wright can also host customized Advanced EQ Trainings at  your site. Click here for more information or contact:
Rick Weinacht
Phone: 208.497.3544
Email: rweinacht@curtisswright.com​​​​​​

Click HERE for a printable Training Agenda pdf


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