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for the
33rd Annual EQ Technical Meeting
Curtiss-Wright, Nuclear Division's EQ PowerSuite, and the Nuclear Utility Group on Equipment Qualification (NUGEQ) will once again host the Annual EQ Technical Meeting November 8-12, 2021.
The meeting is the only Technical Conference of its kind, wholly dedicated to the EQ Discipline, and is attended by EQ Engineers and EQ Program Manager from around the world. It truly is the singular place where the EQ Community meets, exchanges ideas, and solves common problems unique to the task.
Attendees will hear presentations on industry best practices, events, products, and regulatory issues from vibrant, diverse, international speakers, with unique solutions to shared problems.
Presentation abstracts are currently being solicited for consideration of placement on this year's agenda. Abstracts should be uploaded no later than August 31, 2021. Click here to to upload your abstract.
Sponsorship opportunities are a great way to promote your product or service. Click here to view sponsorship opportunties.
The following training will be offered: (Click the headings, or use the above navigation bar to take you to the associated pages)