Software & Supply Chain Assurance Meetings


January 28 & 29, 2025

7525 Colshire Drive

Mclean, VA 22102


The next meeting will take place on May 13 & 14, 2025.

Registration will open in March 2025.


Registration for Foreign Nationals without a Green Card closes two weeks before the event.

Building Security in - software and supply chain assurance

The Software and Supply Chain Assurance Forum (SSCA) provides a venue for government, industry, and academic participants from around the world to share their knowledge and expertise regarding software and supply chain risks, effective practices and mitigation strategies, tools and technologies, and any gaps related to the people, processes, or technologies involved. Co-led by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Defense (DoD), and the General Services Administration (GSA), the SSCA meetings participants represent a diverse group of career professionals including government officials, chief information security officers, those in academia with cybersecurity and supply chain specialties, system administrators, engineers, consultants, vendors, software developers, managers, analysts, specialists in IT and cybersecurity, and many more fields.  

SSCA forums are held 2-3 times/year and are free and open to all interested parties.  

While the general intent is to share information, the SSCA meetings also offers government and private sector participants, including international participants, an opportunity to openly collaborate by presenting and receiving feedback on current and potential future work. While traditionally SSCA events are two to three days long and contain a mixture of discussion and presentation; interaction is always strongly encouraged. To encourage open interaction, meetings operate under the Chatham House Rule, meaning “participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed,” though many speakers allow NIST to post their presentations on their SSCA Forum website. 

The agenda for the upcoming Forum is hosted at the SSCA forum website by NIST.

To receive information about upcoming meetings and related publications and activities, please sign up for the sw.assurance Google Group - operated by NIST - here:!forum/sw.assurance