SDSC Summer Institute 2021

One week of classes on all aspects of Supercomputing and Data Science to accelerate your path from Data to Discovery




    Our annual Summer Institute will be held virtually.

    Preparation Day – Wednesday, July 28
    Summer Institute – Monday, August 2 to Friday, August 6
    Full agenda here.



    • Applications will be accepted: through Sunday, May 2, 2021 Sunday, May 16, 2021 (Deadline Extended)
    • Applicants will be notified of status by Monday,May 17, 2021 Tuesday, June 1, 2021 (Deadline Extended)
    • Accepted applicants to confirm attendance no later than Friday, June 4, 2021 Friday, June 18, 2021 (Deadline Extended)


    The San Diego Supercomputer Center Summer Institute is a week-long workshop held at the University of California, San Diego that focuses on a broad spectrum of introductory-to-intermediate topics in High- Performance Computing and Data Science. The program is aimed at researchers in academia and industry, especially in domains not traditionally engaged in supercomputing, who have problems that cannot typically be solved using local computing resources. This year’s Summer Institute continues SDSC’s strategy of bringing High-Performance Computing to the Long Tail of Science, i.e., providing resources to a larger number of modest-sized computational research projects that represent, in aggregate, a tremendous amount of scientific progress. 

    Researchers and educators from underrepresented groups and minority serving institutions (MSIs) are strongly encouraged to apply. We also encourage applications from XSEDE Campus Champions. 

    The purpose of the Summer Institute is to give attendees an overview of topics in High-Performance Computing and Data Science and accelerate their learning process through highly interactive classes with hands-on tutorials on SDSC’s newest supercomputer system, Expanse

    Attendees will have opportunities to meet with SDSC’s experts to discuss techniques to solve their specific scientific problems. In order to benefit from the institute, the attendees are required to have familiarity with the UNIX/Linux shell. Basic programming skills (in any programming language) are strongly recommended.  

    The registration fee for this virtual event will be $100 and charged only after the application has been accepted. Apply today!  If the registration fee would preclude you from attending, please contact us directly. 

    The program includes:

    • Overview of the Expanse architecture, insights on how to use Expanse, including interacting with the job scheduler, understanding strengths and weaknesses of the available filesystems and using Singularity Containers to run another operating system like Ubuntu. 
    • Traditional supercomputing topics such as parallel programming with MPI/OpenMP, performance optimization, code profiling, GPU programming with CUDA and scientific visualization. 
    • Data Science topics like machine learning and deep learning, big data processing with Spark and parallel programming with R and Python. 
    • Topics related to reproducibility such as basic and advanced version control with git/GitHub.
    • The different models of databases (relational, graph, and search), query optimization, performance tuning, task parallelization, data parallelization, etc... using SDSC Expanse.