Saint Valentine's Day Luncheon & Fashion Show

I am delighted to welcome you all to the 37th Annual St. Valentine's Day Luncheon and Fashion Show! This year in particular, it is important to remember that Cancer is Not Cancelled! Almost all of us have been tragically touched by cancer, either personally, through a family member, or a dear friend. As most of you know, I lost my beloved Mother to cancer.  I decided to accept the position as Chair as a way to both honor her and to help ensure that others do not know the pain of loss from cancer.  I truly do believe that by working together, we can find a cure for cancer in our lifetime.

LLS is doing remarkable work towards finding cures, especially in children. As the mother of two amazing people, I can't imagine hearing the words, your child has cancer like so many have heard before. Your support today is helping to make an impact on finding new treatments for children that have not been seen in over 40 years with LLS' newly launched Children's Initiative. Thank you to all of you who have supported! I have been blessed with an amazing team that I must recognize for working tirelessly alongside me for the past year to bring today into fruition. To Nancy and Maggie, Advisory Chairs, Angie, DeeDee, Lisa, Rozalyn, and Shelle, Underwriting Chairs, Mason, Pilar, Marcia and Sara, Kick Off and Patron Party Chairs, Dianne and Alison, Table Sales Chairs, and Jennifer and Zoe, Raffle Chairs and to the entire committee – you have all given your time and energy towards making today happen and I appreciate it very much. We have many who we are honoring today, including our Honorary Chairs, Louise and Guy Griffeth, who, like so many of us, have been affected by these diseases.

Thank you for your generosity and support. You all are in for a treat today as we celebrate virtually! I hope you enjoy the program and the gorgeous fashions! Remember that Love is Always in Bloom!

With heartfelt appreciation,


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