100% Online

You asked and we are listening!!
We are offering this course with an option to take it 100% Online. 
What does this look like?
Well, every single session is recorded. You will be responsible for attending each session or completing the recordings on your own time. Please keep in mind this is a 220 hour yoga teacher training. It will take time and dedication to move through the material. This is the age of self iniation. No one is going to bother you about completing the training, your accountability comes from within. (And we do have systems in place for peer accountability and verification of completion)
During the Hawaii segment, we will be broadcasting live and recording. You will be responsible for completing all of the elements of this part of the training as well, either live or recorded.
The course is set to run as a 6 month training. In this 6 months you will have access to the teachers and trainers for support. You have 18 months from the start of the training to complete all of the requirements. After these 18 months, you are no longer elligible for certification.