Building maths resilience



Developing a can-do attitude and approach to maths.

Maths is one of the most important life skills for people to be fully effective and confident. Resilience is a key aspect of a positive attitude towards maths and the ability to develop maths mastery. The overall level of maths ability in the working and adult population is still poor and this negatively impacts on general well-being. Maths resilience can be developed with the right approaches.

This webinar will consider the core aspects of resilience and maths mastery and review the benefits to individuals and organisations in understanding and developing maths resilient learners.


The aims/objectives/expected outcomes for the audience are:

  • A solid understanding of resilience and maths mastery.
  • The benefits to learners in developing maths resilience and mastery.
  • The benefits of developing positive organisational culture for maths.
  • The wider relevance of maths resilience and mastery.

Target Audience


All providers supporting the development of maths in programmes, especially those delivering government funded programmes and apprenticeships, particularly where maths is a mandatory requirement.

This webinar is relevant for delivery staff involved in supporting learners on programmes that offer Functional Skills in mathematics at all levels; and managers who support the development of integrated maths in learning programmes.

This webinar is not suitable for those who have a sound understanding of the concepts of resilience and maths mastery and the value to individuals and organisations.