How learning providers can support victims and survivors of domestic abuse

How learning providers can support victims and survivors of domestic abuse

Lewis Robertson, Safeguarding Consultant, ECP


WedneSDAY, 26 AUGUST 2020  |  10:00 am - 11:00 am




Lewis Robertson, Safeguarding Consultant, ECP

Lewis has vast experience of safeguarding, having previously worked for Essex Police and a number of voluntary sector organisations; including Barnardo’s and The Children’s Society. In addition to frontline engagement, Lewis has also been a Designated Safeguarding Lead with projects that support young people and adults at risk – including; housing, substance misuse, missing children, youth counselling, advocacy, mediation and education. Lewis believes that the most challenging situation that a DSL can face is managing an allegation against a colleague, having experienced this on multiple occasions whilst working as a Safeguarding Officer in a national youth organisation, leading on internal investigations into professionals who work with children and young people.