Strategic eForum
Committing to Net Zero

Tuesday, 26 October 2021
15:00-16:15 BST


With the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, UK, fast approaching, governments are being called on to commit to net zero greenhouse gas emissions targets. The COP26 Presidency has called for a commitment to rapidly phase out coal. But greenhouse gas emissions remain stubbornly high and those countries that have switched from coal to gas to reduce emissions are seeing energy prices that are threatening their businesses and forcing more people into energy poverty. What can nuclear technologies contribute to achieving net zero and what are nuclear companies going to do to address their own greenhouse gas emissions? 

On 26 October 2021, World Nuclear Association hosted the Strategic eForum: Committing to Net Zero to discuss:

  • Why are nuclear companies pledging to achieve net zero for their own operations?

  • What nuclear technologies offer to help achieve net zero?

  • What should we expect and hope for from COP26?




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