6-10 July 2020 - Technical Conference
11-12 July 2020 - Summer School for PhD Students
This is the premier conference on Lean Construction. It is hosted annually by the International Group for Lean Construction (iglc.net), a network of researchers and industry professionals around the world who are involved in advancing the theory and developing the practices of Lean Construction.
Click on the button below to view the conference agenda with the times participants will meet LIVE on zoom.
Registered conference participants will be given access to papers and pre-recorded presentations several days before the event.
SUMMER SCHOOL FOR PhD STUDENTS - 11-12 July 2020 hosted on Zoom
Join us at our Annual Conference, this year for the first time hosted 'in the cloud.'
The themes of the Conference are:
Meet like-minded people.
Take advantage of this opportunity to learn about and sharpen your Lean thinking.
We will have great conversations, engage in a rich exchange of ideas, and have fun.
Get feedback on the paper you have submitted, in a double-blind peer review process.
Each accepted paper will:
All accepted papers will be made available online, open access:
All presentations will be pre-recorded by the presenters and we will organize them in sessions available for viewing online during the conference. If and how to make them available after the conference remains to be determined.
The technical conference this year is spread out over 5 days (not condensed in 2.5 days as we have done in the past) and the timing of presentations varies. Please see the AGENDA section of this web page for details.
Presenters should make themselves available to participate in a question-and-answer session about their presentation. The conference agenda shows the times of these live question-and-answer sessions.
Since we are in uncharted territory this year, we are rethinking how to run the conference. In a Lean fashion, we will aim to structure it using one-piece flow, avoiding parallel sessions as much as we can so that participants will be able to attend most if not all sessions of their interest. We have yet to figure out how we will handle sessions in small "bursts" with perhaps 100+ participants on zoom, but in a nutshell, here is roughly what we have in mind for a typical session:
In addition to typical sessions, we may also have some longer presentations and possible some Lean game rooms :)
Our plan for organizing these is as follows:
Thais Alves
Glenn Ballard
Frode Drevland
Fidelis Emuze
Farook Hamzeh
Vicente Gonzalez
Lauri Koskela
Ola Laedre
Olli Seppanen
Min Liu
Zofia Rybkowski
Daniela Viana
Director, Project Production Systems Laboratory
Engineering and Project Management Program
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Senior Lecturer
Construction Management
Course Leader MSc Offsite Housing Construction
School Architecture and Built Environment
University of Wolverhampton, UK
Assistant Professor
Construction and Facilities Management Program
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah, USA
Details on the summer school will be provided on a separate page.
Civil Engineering Department
Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar)
Clouds above Berkeley, CA. (c) Photo by Iris D. Tommelein, April 2020.
Berkeley, California
We hosted the 7th Annual Conference of the IGLC in 1999 in Berkeley, California.
The 28th Annual Conference this year is special! It will be the first time that our group meets online. Participants will be meeting colleagues and speaking with authors in virtual meeting rooms, hosted on ZOOM.
Participants should choose one of the following options and can take advantage of the early bird rate if they register before Friday 5 June 2020:
Recognizing that registration fees may still prevent students and some professionals from participating, the IGLC28 organizers will gladly accept the support from benefactors. Contributions may be made via the registration website, using one of two categories:
These options are further explained on the registration page.
5 June 2020: Each author who will present a paper must have duly registered.
At least one author of every accepted paper must register at full cost to present their work and participate in the conference. One author can at most present two papers.
To register for this event or to modify a current registration, please follow the links on this website. The email address of the attendee is needed to register. You will be able to print a payment receipt upon completion of your registration.
Authors must have uploaded on the CMT site:
15 June 2020: Presenters must have submitted the file with their Powerpoint presentation on the CMT site
22 June 2020: Presenters must have submitted
Ae you contributing to this year's Conference? You will find the following documents on berkeley.box.com:
Website Administrator: p2sl@berkeley.edu