AELP Webinars

fast track - assessor to trainer - key skills and strategies to getting started


wednesday, 10 JUNE 2020 |  10.30 aM - 11.30 AM



fast track - assessor to trainer - key skills and strategies to getting started

What you need to know to transition from assessor to trainer in apprenticeship delivery

The approaches needed for assessment, by apprentices, to complete their apprenticeship programme are very different through the End Point Assessment (EPA) requirements. The role of the ‘assessor’ needs a very different approach to support learner development. Continuous checking of the learner’s competency across the full range of knowledge, skills and behaviours considered essential for their apprenticeship standard is core to apprentice success. Assessors therefore need to take more of a trainer role to ensure that the apprentices are fully prepared for EPA and possess all the relevant knowledge, skills and behaviours at the required level of competence. 

This webinar will look at the core components of EPA, needing to be taken into account when supporting learner skill development, throughout their programme; and the different approaches that will be needed to support learners in achieving successful EPA outcomes. 

Content will cover what EPA means in terms of final assessment and how the information can be used to inform the required apprentice development; the different approaches and skills that will be needed when supporting learners on programme; and how to check when learners are ready for EPA.



The aims/objectives/expected outcomes for the audience are:

  • The core expectations of EPA.
  • Different approaches to develop learners on apprenticeships.
  • Employer involvement.
  • Checking learner readiness for EPA.


  • All providers offering apprenticeship programmes that are government or levy funded transitioning from frameworks to standards, wanting to ensure that they fully understand the requirements for the successful delivery of the required knowledge, skills and behaviours for the successful completion of End Point Assessment (EPA) for apprentices. 
  • Providers who are ‘in scope’ for an Ofsted inspection and want to ‘check’ that their approaches for apprentice development and preparation for EPA, within apprenticeships covered by standards, are meaningful and have real value for learners to develop the required knowledge, skills and behaviours effectively.
  • Members of staff who feel that their understanding of the different approaches required to support apprentices on standards, when working towards EPA, needs development.
  • Managers and all staff involved in supporting the development of learners on apprenticeships covered by standards.

What our delegates say