Event Description
The ​Center ​for ​Mindfulness, ​Compassion ​and ​Resilience ​at ​Arizona ​State ​University ​unveils ​the ​power ​of ​mindful ​living ​to ​advance ​our ​well-being ​and ​engagement ​through ​learning ​and ​connecting ​with ​the ​larger ​community. ​This ​training ​aims ​to ​bring ​the ​larger ​community ​together ​in ​an ​educational ​setting ​to ​have ​open ​space ​for ​healthfulness, ​personal ​balance ​and ​resiliency ​conversations ​among ​students, ​employees, ​and ​the ​community ​by ​participating ​in ​full-day ​Professional ​Development ​Certificate ​workshop. ​To become a leader in mindfulness, development and maintenance of a personal practice is essential. During this workshop we will discuss the mingling of mindfulness and leadership, but more importantly you will practice some of the 8 ways to begin your own mindfulness regimen as laid out by Jon Kabat-Zinn (Body Scan, Sitting Meditation, Yoga, 1-minute breathing (stress), dealing with emotional & physical discomfort, mindful communication, lovingkindness meditation, developing a practice of your own) so that you may in turn lead others in the skills of mindfulness.Participants ​will ​learn ​how ​to ​incorporate ​mindfulness ​into ​their ​own ​lives ​as ​well ​as ​lead ​mindfulness ​efforts ​in ​their ​department, ​organization ​or ​family. ​
Virtual MLC: Aug 24, 2021