ATP 2022 Virtual Sponsor Networking Event Form
Thank you for sponsoring the ATP 2022 Innovations in Testing Conference. Please fill out the information below about your Sponsor Networking Event. We look forward to seeing you in March.
Company Name (As it should appear in all conference related materials)
Event Type or Topic
Session Description (under 250 words)
Please include all presenter information below. Please include first name, last name, job title, company, and email address.
Please select your preferred time slot for the networking event from the options below.
Slot 1: March 21, 2021 at 12:20pm - 1:10pm EDT
Slot 2 March 21, 2021 at 5:40pm - 6:30 pm EDT
Slot 3: March 22, 2021 at 5:40pm - 6:30 pm EDT
The sponsor networking event can be open to all attendees and featured on the daily attendee email or it can be invite-only. Please select from the following:
My event will be open to all attendees.
My event will be invite-only.
Designing Events will link out to your networking event platform link or Zoom room link during the conference. Please select from the following:
I will be providing my own meeting link.
I need assistance with providing a Zoom meeting link.