Welcome to the Connect Board of Directors 2018-2019 Application
You can help Connect Worldwide as we continue our mission of Advocacy, Community, Education and Philanthropy to the Hewlett Packard Enterprise technology user community. With many new initiatives on the horizon, Connect needs and welcomes the enthusiastic participation of its members on the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors oversee the strategic direction of Connect Worldwide, including fiscal responsibility. The board represents Connect at conferences and local chapter events. The board works with standing committees, including Advocacy, Special Interest Groups, Chapter Leadership, and Finance. They also sit on Task Forces, Event, and Program committees. The time commitment can be from 2 to 4 hours a month, and may include travel. This is a two year volunteer position.
The Nomination Committee is currently accepting applications for the board of Directors for 2018-2019. We are looking for forward-thinking members to volunteer to be a leader of our community. There are 3 open board positions at this time.
We're sorry, HPE employees are not eligible for a seat on the board for this slate year. If you would like to learn more about volunteer opportunities with Connect, please
click here
This application will be available through October 1, 2017. The nominations committee will interview applicants over the telephone, and a slate will be presented to the Connect community for approval. Voting will run during October, 2017. Questions can be emailed to
We look forward to receiving your application.
Henk Pomper,
Past President, Connect Worldwide