First Page
1. Overall, how would you rate the 2025 NWRA Annual Conference?
Very good
Fairly good
Mildly good
Not good at all
2. Overall, how would you rate the presenters during the 2025 NWRA Annual Conference?
Very good
Fairly good
Mildly good
Not good at all
3. Overall, how would you rate the information that you received during the 2025 NWRA Annual Conference?
Very good
Fairly good
Mildly good
Not good at all
4. Overall, how would you rate the venue/location for the 2025 NWRA Annual Conference?
Very good
Fairly good
Mildly good
Not good at all
5. How would you rate the professionalism of the NWRA staff during the 2025 NWRA Annual Conference?
Very good
Fairly good
Mildly good
Not good at all
6. Are the amount of email announcements that you receive from NWRA:
Too much
Just enough
Not enough
7. Are the amount of social media postings that you receive from NWRA:
Too much
Just enough
Not enough
Do not use social media
8. How did you hear about the event?
NWRA Website
Word of Mouth
9. Was there a session or presentation that you would like to see hosted in a webinar format? (please list below, be specific)
10. What topics would you like to see presented during future events?
11. What did you like most about the 2025 NWRA Annual Conference?
12. What did you like least about the 2025 NWRA Annual Conference?
13. Please provide your contact information if you are interested in serving on the 2026 NWRA Annual Conference Planning Committee.