Apexus Advanced 340B Operations Certificate Program Consultant Partnership
2025 Consultant Contributor Application
1. Name of person submitting application
2. Role/title
3. Contact info (email address, phone number)
4. Name of consulting firm
5. Company website
6. What is the scope of the consulting firm (i.e., 340B Program, pharmacy, finance, or general healthcare consulting)?
7. For how many years has the firm offered 340B consultation services?
8. How many 340B dedicated consultants are within the firm?
9. What is the size of the consulting firm (i.e. number of consultants)?
10. How many 340B ACEs (Apexus Certified Experts) are in the firm and how many are currently enrolled in the Apexus Advanced 340B Operations Certificate Program?
11. What are the education and training requirements for 340B dedicated consultants in your firm (e.g. 340B ACE, academic degrees, 340B operations experience)?
12. List the 340B Program consulting services offered to clients (e.g., audit support, referral capture, contract pharmacy analysis)
13. In the past 3 years, what is the total number of covered entity clients for which the firm has provided 340B consulting? Please list by entity type.
14. In the past 3 years, what is the total number of HRSA audits the firm has supported? Please list by entity type.
15. From your perspective, what are the current “340B Hot Topics” in the marketplace right now that could potentially be discussed in an upcoming Operations Certificate Update webinar?
16. If selected as a Consultant Contributor, which educational topics would your firm feel comfortable contributing to? (Select all that apply)
HRSA Data Request List Operations
Implementation of Pharmacist-led Medication Management Programs
Drug Pricing Impacts on the 340B Program
Artificial Intelligence Considerations for Managing 340B Compliance
Policies and Procedures (P&Ps) – Provider Credentialing and Establishing Responsibility of Care
17. Please describe your firm’s experience regarding each topic selected in Question 16.
18. Please enter any additional comments or feedback you have regarding your application.