Session Evaluation
Present Centered Group Therapy for Trauma: Embracing Today and Reimagining Tomorrow
In reviewing the stated goals of this event, and in considering the nature of what you learned, please respond to each of the following statements by selecting the option that best reflects your opinion.
Questions 1-20
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
01: This session was relevant to the overall Annual Meeting objectives.
02: This session’s content matched the session’s objectives.
03: The leader made the group contract clear.
04: Overall, the group felt safe and conducive to learning.
05: My understanding of group process and dynamics increased or existing knowledge was better integrated.
06: The didactic material and the experiential component were well integrated.
07: The extent of each of the objectives stated by the instructor at the beginning of this event have been met.
08: The format for this presentation was effective.
09: The material presented was appropriate to my education, experience and/or licensure level.
10: The material presented was relevant to my practice.
11: The knowledge I gained from this event will add to my clinical practice/professional work.
12: My understanding of the subject matter increased as a result of this event.
13: In this event, I gained new knowledge and/or integrated existing knowledge.
14: Group members/Audience interaction enhanced the session.
15: The syllabus materials and/or reading list were valuable.
16: The level of the material was appropriate.
17: The material presented was current.
18: The material presented the content effectively.
19: The handouts/teaching aids enhanced the content of this event.
20: I would recommend this event to colleagues.
Questions 21-24:
(Leave blank if question is not applicable)
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
21 Barbara Niles was knowledgeable about content and presented material clearly.
22 Barbara Niles was responsive to participants.
23 Barbara Niles was skillful and effective.
24 Barbara Niles was sensitive and responsive to issues of diversity.
21 Daniel Gross was knowledgeable about content and presented material clearly.
22 Daniel Gross was responsive to participants.
23 Daniel Gross was skillful and effective.
24 Daniel Gross was sensitive and responsive to issues of diversity.
21 Melissa Wattenberg was knowledgeable about content and presented material clearly.
22 Melissa Wattenberg was responsive to participants.
23 Melissa Wattenberg was skillful and effective.
24 Melissa Wattenberg was sensitive and responsive to issues of diversity.
21 William Unger was knowledgeable about content and presented material clearly.
22 William Unger was responsive to participants.
23 William Unger was skillful and effective.
24 William Unger was sensitive and responsive to issues of diversity.
25: To what extent have each of the objectives stated by the instructor at the beginning and end of this event been met:
(Leave blank if not applicable)
Objective 1 Identify trauma related themes and PTSD symptoms.
Objective 2 Compare trauma focused and non-trauma focused treatment approaches.
Objective 3 Name elements of the PCGT protocol, including stages of treatment, common challenges, and exclusion criteria for group selection.
Objective 4 Describe ways to affirm and acknowledge group members’ cultural backgrounds and individual identities within a trauma-aware present-oriented approach.
5. Utilize a social justice framework to address themes of unconscious bias, imbalance of privilege, and minority distress.
26: How much did you learn as a result of this CE Program?
Very Little
A good bit
A great deal
I learned:
26a: Please specify what you learned.
27: How useful was the content of this CE program for your practice or other professional development?
Not useful
A little useful
Somewhat useful
A good deal useful
Extremely useful
The content was:
28: Was the educational content scientifically sound?
28a: You selected "No". Please explain.
29: Did you perceive any commercial bias or influence in the educational content?
29a: You selected "Yes". Please explain.
30: List any outstanding features:
31: List any aspects that need improvement:
32: COMMENTS (We welcome specific suggestions to improve the event, including format, particularly if you rated any item less than three.)
33: Did you leave this session early?
33a: Indicate why you left early in the space below.
(NOTE: Continuing education credit is not awarded for partial attendance.)
34: Professional/Discipline (Check all that apply)
Social Worker
Drug & Alcohol Abuse Counselor
Creative Arts Therapist
Marriage & Family Therapist
Clinical Mental Health Counselor
Pastoral Counselor
You selected Other profession. Please specify:
35: Degree(s) (check all that apply):
You selected Other degree. Please specify: