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Please log into the submission site. All users will need to create a profile by selecting "New User?" under the login boxes. 

Welcome to the abstract submission site for The 2nd Global Evapotranspiration Symposium
UPDATE: New dates have been established.  See below for all the information.
Late abstracts can still be submitted. If you are submitting a late abstract, please follow the same steps as if before the March 15 deadline.  
To review the submission topics available, please see this flyer.  
 Important Dates: 
 March 15, 2023 Abstract Submission Deadline
 April 15, 2023 Acceptance Notifications Sent
 July 31, 2023
 Abstract Revisions Due 
 August 15, 2023Presenter Registration (Early Bird) Deadline

Submissions for this symposium will be reviewed by the symposium program committee for publishing online at the time of the event.  Please submit your 500 word (or less) abstract before the March 15 deadline for consideration.  Notification of acceptance or rejection will be received by April 15.  Full papers will not be collected at this time.  Please create your profile and enter your abstract information in English. 

Once you have created a profile, navigate to the SUBMISSIONS tab to select from the drop-down options for submitting your abstract.  

After your abstract has been accepted, you will be able to log back into this portal and make revisions to your abstract or title, if needed. This is also when you will indicate the presenting author and add co-authors. Revisions are due by July 31.