Simone Ravaioli
Title Director of Strategic Partnerships Company Digitary Bio Simone is an Exponential Education thinker. Entrepreneurial, creative EdTech influencer with a cutting-edge portfolio of accomplishments and experience founding and contributing to the advancement of critical issues and initiatives in higher education internationalization. Strong international experience cultivating meaningful relationships with governments, industry analyst firms and business professionals. Areas of Expertise include: -- Born and raised in Romagna (Italy) but educated in the USA where he spent several significant years of his life. He hasĀ a Masters Degree in Management Information System from Loyola University Chicago. After a corporate experience in New York and Milano he joined CINECA's group, the leading consortium of Italian Universities dedicated to developing software for Higher Education Institutions where he held the position of International Business Development and Country Manager Turkey. He then joined Digitary a global provider of secure online credentials in Higher Education as Business Development Executive to leverage the experience and relationships built over the years and bring into the product roadmap digital micro-credentials and blockchain. he currently serves as Director of Strategic Partnerships. He was awarded a "rising star" award by the European Association for International Education (EAIE) for his coordination of the Task Force on Digital Student Data Portability which then seeded the Groningen Declaration Network. He is a Slow Food activist and co-founder of Postrivoro - Itineraries for GastroPilgrims He thinks like a Proton (and stay positive). He lives "slow" and moves fast. |