Francisco Maldonado Altieri
Title President of the Executive Board, ARSEE - Association of school and student service managers, Mexico; Company and Registrar, UPAEP – Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, Mexico Bio Francisco Maldonado Altieri is Vice President 2020-2021 of the Board of Directors of the Groningen Declaration Network and is President of the Board of ARSEE (Asociación de Responsables de Servicios Escolares y Estudiantiles), México, (2019–2021) and Registrar of Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP), México. He has an MBA in marketing and 25 years’ experience in higher education, having served five years as Counselor for Entrepreneurial Programs, one year in recruitment, eight as Admission Officer and in student services (one-stop shop), and ten as Registrar and Director of Student Services (one-stop shop). He was Secretary of the board of ARSEE, México (2012–2014); he has attended and presented at six of AACRAO’s (American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers) SEM Conferences and five of AACRAO’s Annual Meetings, and was the host and head of the local organizing committee of the 8th Groningen Declaration Network Annual Meeting, at UPAEP, in April 2019. |