Gregory Johnson, PT, FFMT, FAAOMPT

Institute of Physical Art
He is 1971 graduate from the University of Southern California and completed a one year residency at Kaiser Vallejo under Maggie Knott. He remained as senior faculty for six years. Mr. Johnson developed the first Soft Tissue Mobilization course for P.T.’s in 1980. He has also developed courses in Functional Mobilization and Resistance Enhanced Manipulation™. He is the co-founder of the Institute of Physical Art and the Functional Manual Therapy approach. He is Director of an credentialed AAOMPT Fellowship program and has published multiple chapters and articles on STM, PNF, and Functional Manual Therapy (FTM). He is currently involved in several research projects on FMT.


The Physical Therapist’s Contribution to Enhance Airway Health

Friday, November 13, 2020

Panel Discussion: Dental and physical therapy collaborative management for patients going through airway orthodonic treatment

Orthodontic treatment of the airway often includes repositioning and/or guided growth of the maxilla, mandible and soft tissue structures. It has been found that patients tolerance and outcomes are much improved when working collaboratively with physical and myofunctional therapy. This panel discussion will focus on evaluation and intervention strategies related to treatment of this population.
Participants will have a better understanding of how physical therapists and dentists are problem solving and working together to help improve patient outcomes for this patient population.

Saturday, November 14, 2020