Title Director, Splunk4Good Company Splunk Bio Corey Marshall is the director of Splunk4Good, the corporate social impact program for Splunk, where he leads the company’s efforts in employee service and engagement, community giving and social impact initiatives. Splunk4Good partners with organizations at the local, state and federal levels to leverage data in support of initiatives such as disaster response and open government, including the recently announced $100 million Splunk Pledge to support nonprofits, research and education. Corey has spent more than 15 years advising governments on open data, public-private partnerships, data-driven decision making and improving transparency and accountability, including roles with the City and County of San Francisco, Accenture and the office of Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley. He has served on public and nonprofit boards, provides pro bono consulting to nonprofits, and currently focuses his volunteer time on sustainability and leveraging data and technology for social good. |