Bio Bill Studeman retired in 2005 from Northrop Grumman Corporation as vice president and deputy general manager of Mission Systems (NGMS), a $5.2 billion annual revenue sector (formerly part of TRW) focused on system integration/system engineering of large complex systems. In this position, he focused on strategies, programs, business development, marketing related to Intelligence and information/cyber warfare, as well as corporate cross-sector integration, and on managing technology partnerships and concepts related to net centricity; intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR); and advanced command environments. He served in this position for approximately nine years. Adm. Studeman continues to serve on government and corporate advisory boards as a consultant, mostly on matters related to defense, intelligence, and especially cyber and information operations. Admiral Studeman was born in Brownsville, Tex., and was raised in Coral Gables, Fla. He holds a BA in history from the University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., and an MA in public and international affairs from the George Washington University and several honorary doctorates. He is a distinguished graduate of the Naval and National War Colleges and the Defense Intelligence University. As a restricted line Naval Intelligence Officer, Adm. Studeman’s flag tours included aval staff director of long range navy planning; director of naval intelligence; director, National Security Agency; and deputy director of central intelligence (DDCI)—with two extended periods as acting director of central intelligence. The DDCI is the precursor position equivalent to the combined jobs of principal deputy director of national intelligence, and deputy director of the CIA. As DDCI, he served in both the Bush and Clinton administrations under DCI’s Bob Gates, Jim Woolsey, and John Deutch. He was a commissioner on the Presidential Commission on WMD and is currently serving emeritus on the Public Interest Declassification Board (PIDB) at the National Archives. He is also a former member of the Defense Science Board and was recently a member of a Naval Studies Board Task Force on Navy Cyber Defense, a current member of the Secretary of the Navy Advisory Panel (SNAP) (and writing/presenting all the studies the SNAP has produced for both SECNAVs Winter and Mabus), the Sandia National Lab Strategic Advisory Group (as chair), Draper Lab Member of the Corporation, the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) Advisory Board (Emeritus) and Cyber Council, and other advisory boards done mostly pro bono. Adm. Studeman is also the emeritus chairman of the board of the Naval Intelligence Foundation of the Naval Intelligence Professionals (NIP) organization. He is also the recipient of the 2007 INSA William Oliver Baker Award and the AFCEA 2007 Distinguished Service Award for Intelligence community support. Adm. Studeman has recently become an advisor to the Pan American Museum Foundation501(c)(3) responsible for setting up a Pan American Airways Museum co-located with the Cradle of Aviation Museum on Long Island, and also has recently become a new board member of the Annapolis-based Ginger Cove Life Care Retirement Community, both done on a pro-bono basis. Adm. Studeman does some lecturing at universities on matters related to intelligence and cyber. Adm. Studeman is married to the former Diane Jeans of Milford-on Sea, Hampshire, UK, also a U.S. citizen. The Studemans have three children (and four grandsons): Dr. Kim Studeman of Mercy Hospital in Baltimore, Rear Adm. Mike Studeman, U.S. Navy, an information warfare professional, who is the J-2 SOUTHCOM (designate), and Kate Studeman working as a DARPA SETA. |