Title President Company McGowan Corporate Real Estate Advisors Bio McGowan Corporate Real Estate Advisors helps companies build profitable supply chain networks that maximize margins. McGowan represent corporations (typically retailers, food, e-commerce, and 3PLs users) in the fulfillment of their industrial and office property needs around the country. As founder of the SIOR (Society of Industrial and Office Real Estate) Independent Broker Group, Kevin McGowan maintains a network of top brokers around the country to assist in fulfilling transactions. McGowan is a member of IAMC(Industrial Asset Management Council), and the SIOR representative on thejoint IAMC/SIOR Research Committee. McGowan is also the President of the DelawareValley Chapter of WERC (Warehouse Education Research Council). MCREA structures and places sale/leasebacks for corporate users looking to sign long term leases and remove the real estate from the balance sheet. |