Steven J. Stanhope, Ph.D.
Professor and Associate Deputy Provost for Research and Scholarship at the University of Delaware (UD)
Title: Be Entrepreneurial: Repurpose Your INBRE Framework for Consortia Awards

Dr. Stanhope is a Professor and Associate Deputy Provost for Research and Scholarship at the University of Delaware (UD). He received his Ph.D. degree in 1985 from the University of Maryland with concentrations in Biomechanics, Human Anatomy and Exercise Physiology and his undergraduate degree from Boston University. Dr. Stanhope holds joint academic appointments in the Departments of Kinesiology and Applied Physiology, Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and the Biomechanics and Movement Science Interdisciplinary Graduate Program. He previously served as the interim dean of the College of Health Sciences (2008-2009) and is the co-founder and chief technology officer of Intelligent Digital Manufacturing, LLC (2012-2013).

Dr. Stanhope currently serves as the Director of the BADER Consortium, a Department of Defense (DoD) award for the nation-wide advancement of evidence-based orthopaedic rehabilitation care. In addition, he serves as the Principal Investigator for Delaware INBRE. He established and directed Delaware’s Supporting Translational Research in Delaware (STRiDE) initiative (2012-2015) and established the ongoing BADER Prosthetics and Orthotics Clinic (2014) in partnership with regional care providers. Dr. Stanhope serves as the principal investigator of a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the U.S. Army RDECOM, Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC), Advanced Design and Manufacturing (ADM) division to explore the use of 3D printing technologies and advanced materials science for the development of custom dynamic lower leg braces (2008-2016).

Dr. Stanhope retired in 2007 from a 22 year career at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). At the NIH, he served as the founding director of both the Biomechanics Laboratory (1985-2007) and the Physical Disabilities Branch (2001-2007). Dr. Stanhope established the Interagency Disability and Rehabilitation Research Initiative (2003) and research collaborations with Italy, Norway and Brazil. He directed the technology development and translation of human movement analysis software that led to the establishment of Visual3D software and C-Motion, Inc.