Hispania Risk Broker, compañia española acreditada como Lloyd’s Broker y autorizada por la DGSFP como mediador de seguros y reaseguros.
Nuestro cliente, es el mediador de seguros. Actualmente, trabajamos con todos los corredores del mercado de seguros español y portugués.
Nuestra acreditación nos permite acceder, buscar y colocar sobre todos los productos y sindicatos que actúan en el mercado Lloyd’s.
Disponemos de una amplia línea de productos, que nos posiciona como generalista frente a nuestros clientes.
Además, contamos con un elevado grado de especialización en las siguientes áreas de negocio:
Arte y Casas de Alto valor.
Contingencias (eventos, deportes, etc…)
Instituciones Financieras
Responsabilidad Civil General y Productos, USA y Canada.
Responsabilidad Civil Profesional
Responsabilidad Civil Profesional Médica
Hispania Risk Broker, Spanish company accredited Lloyd’s Broker and also approved by the DGSFP as reinsurance and insurance broker.
Our focus, our client is the direct insurance broker. We are currently working with the whole market participants across the Spanish and Portuguese country.
Being a Lloyd’s Broker, we have the capacity to get access, find and place any single risk across the different business lines and syndicates that currently underwrite any business at Lloyd’s.
We have a wide scope of business underwriting lines and our vision is to become a generalist placement broker at Lloyd’s for our clients.
In addition, for the time being, we have reached a relevant range of specialization on the following businesses:
Art and High Net worth value homes.
Contingency (Sports and events)
Financial Institution
General and Products Liability, including USA and Canada
Professional Indemnity
Medical Mal practice