Welcome to the registration site for the Green Mountain Work & Learn program (GMW&L). GMW&L provides a curated gap year for new high school graduates, consisting of three components:
A week-long summer practicum held on the campus of the University of Vermont (UVM).
A paid year-long internship at a Vermont-based technology company.
Employer and University mentoring over the course of your gap year.
The purpose of GMW&L is to help you identify and prepare for the next steps to a rewarding career.
This site registers your interest in this program and provides the information that will be used for selection. Before you start your registration, be sure you have the following handy.
Application Materials:
Your contact information.
Name and email contact information for your high school counselor. We may be reaching out directly to your counselor during the selection process, so do relay to them that you are interested in this program. They can also help prepare your registration materials.
A clear description of a project you did because you wanted to. Your description should
Identify the problem you were trying to solve.
The solution you came up with.
Include any drawings, images, data, etc. to help us better understand your project.
This document should be no more than two-pages in length. Your upload should be a PDF file.
A copy of your high school transcripts (unofficial is okay).
To be considered by GMW&L you must be:
18 years or older by June 1, 2025
A resident of Vermont
In good standing to graduate from a Vermont high school in 2025.
Have not accepted admission to begin college in Fall 2025
Have not enlisted in the U.S. Military
Have not accepted a permanent employment offer
GMW&L is a FREE, but selective, program.
For all questions, please contact an enrollment coach at learn@uvm.edu or call (802) 656-2085.