Who: A Veteran or Spouse entrepreneur of a For-Profit business who is currently in business OR in pre-revenue AND who is either generating revenue OR raised capital over the past 12 months AND who is looking to grow!
What: DAV PatriotBoot Camp is a transformative program consisting of comprehensive entrepreneurship start-up education, mentorship, access to resources, and networking. Curriculum includes topics such as planning, sales & marketing, legal, storytelling and pitching, funding & finance, and mentorship.
When: Program Details: Wednesday 05/14/2025 8:00 am - Friday 05/16/2025 1:00 pm
Where: DAV National Headquarters, 860 Dolwick Drive, Erlanger, Kentucky, 41018
How: We deliver curriculum through in-person, workshop style teaching and coaching and interactive presentations blended with practical exercise and team building.
NOTE: This program is no-cost to the participant outside of travel and lodging (estimated value of $7500). You can learn What To Expect.