Investors and other stakeholders are calling on companies to disclose more information about their sustainability activities and environmental, social, and governance strategies. The growing importance of sustainability reports has created a need for specific ESG reporting requirements.
This session led by KPMG Calgary, will cover:
Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting Requirements
Environmental Social and Governance Strategies Chief Audit Executives can implement to enable them meet reporting requirements.
Session 2 focuses on Energy Transition in Canada
Organizations are under pressure to remain competitive in a rapidly changing environment. This session discusses the changing landscape and pressures pertaining to energy transition, and what organizations can do to demonstrate leadership.
This session will cover:
Recent updates on the changing landscape related to the energy transition in Canada
How organizations are responding and what executives can do to advance their energy transition agenda in a pragmatic manner.
Atin Prakash
Atin has over 17 years of experience in ESG and sustainability advisory and is the KPMG ESG Reporting lead for Calgary. Having led projects on ESG strategy, reporting standards, ESG data processes and assurance of ESG data, he has a deep understanding of the linkages between ESG data processes, controls and technology. His work with leading ESG frameworks and working with clients in multiple industries, including upstream, midstream and downstream Oil and Gas companies, has provided practical insights on the challenges of designing efficient and accurate ESG data processes, meeting the requirements of global reporting standards.
Kristen Pyper
Kristen is a Senior Manager in Energy Transition, strategic planning, and economic analysis expertise. She has a deep understanding of how to integrate energy transition into financial decisions, corporate strategy, and operational efficiency. Kristen leads a decarbonization-focused, economic-modelling team that specializes in conducting financial analyses related to the energy transition. Kristen has supported clients in building pragmatic strategies and roadmaps to realize their desired target state. She has recently completed a certificate in Energy Transition & Emerging Tech at Stanford University.
Note: Registration, mingling and networking for this session will begin at 11:30AM with the presentation running from 12:00PM - 12:50PM, followed by a ten minute Q&A.
Registration & Details: RSVP early. Space is limited (Maximum of 75 individuals).
IIA Calgary Member: $30.00 Plus GST (IIA Calgary subsidized rate - Covers lunch and other venue cost)
Non Member: $52.00 Plus GST
ASQ/ISACA/PASC Member: $42.00 Plus GST
CPE Credit: 1.0 Hour
For more information contact the IIA Chapter at