Thank you for registering to donate product in the
2024 Great American Beer Festival! We're sorry you won't be able to join us. We are excited about some new changes to improve the experience for participants and ticketholders alike, soPLEASE READ THE BELOW IN ITS ENTIRETY BEFORE PROCEEDING.
NEW THIS YEAR: There will be three sessions instead of four
Thursday, October 10 | 5:30pm - 9:30pm
Friday, October 11 | 5:30pm - 9:30pm
Saturday, October 12 | 12:00pm - 4:30pm
If you choose to participate in the Microstar Keg distribution program, you'll have until July 12th to make edits to your requested keg quantities. Brewers can edit beers after this deadline, but you will NOT be able to adjust number of kegs.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The registration process times out after 30 minutes if the registration isn't completed. Before registering, please be sure you have the following information ready:
Names and contact information for pre-event and onsite contacts.
.Ai, .EPS, or .PNG version of your logo
If you would like to serve your beer at the Heavy Medal, Non-alcohol, Gluten-free, Pro-am, or Collaboration, or Wish We Were Here taprooms.
Which consolidation point you'll be sending your beer to. Please refer to this list.
The beverages you would like to send
Companies wishing to donate product will also have to opportunity to donate product to our themed beverage bars:
Beer & Beyond
How much volume of each product you will send. Minimum volume for each beverage being sent is 5-7 cases or two 1/6 bbl kegs (or equivalent). Please consider sending more for particularly popular beverages.
If you need to purchase extra credentials or Brewers' Gathering tickets. Donating companies receive one (1) badge/credential and one (1) Brewers Gathering ticket.